An interview with 1% for the Planet business partner, GrowRoom

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) policy is no longer optional – it's crucial. At A Good Thing CIC, we're seeing growing numbers of companies step up to make a tangible difference by thinking carefully about how they manage the ‘things’ they no longer need and how their profits can make a positive difference to the planet and local people.

Marketing agency GrowRoom – a member of A Good Thing’s business community – takes its ESG mission seriously. Its dedication to environmental stewardship and community support is at the heart of its operation. Alongside registering with A Good Thing, GrowRoom has also committed to sharing one per cent of all its profits via the globally recognised 1% for the Planet certification.

1% for the Planet is an international organisation that requires members to contribute at least one percent of their annual revenue to environmental causes through its own network of approved environmental partners. 


A Good Thing is a recognised environmental partner of 1% for the Planet; the organisation supports our mission to send less to landfill and more to a good cause.

Our Marketing and Communications Lead, Anna, recently caught up with Will Bourne, GrowRoom’s Co-founder, to explore the motivations behind the GrowRoom agency's involvement with these impactful organisations. They discussed the importance of balancing profit with purpose, and why Will believes that giving back is vital for the planet.

How long have you been a member of 1% for the Planet, and what motivated you to join?

We joined in the summer of 2022, not long after we started the business. At GrowRoom we donate 3% of our revenue to environmental causes, and Sam and I stated the following reasons way back then:

➡ Greenwashing is rife, so we think it's important that our promises are verified by an independent third party.

➡ 1% for the Planet is partnered with some incredible charities doing great work – like the Eden Reforestation Projects and Hope for the Future.

➡ It's probably more effective than paying a Kardashian to be our 'sustainability ambassador'. (This was just after Boohoo announced Kourtney Kardashian as its sustainability ambassador!)

What changes have you made to your business since joining 1% for the Planet?

We were in the early stages when we joined, but connecting with other 1% members and seeing the good work that other businesses are doing has been inspirational for us. We've increased our donation amount to 3% in the last year, though, and partnered with the Shropshire Wildlife Trust to support local environmental action, too.

How have you engaged with the environmental partners at 1%, and what are your plans for your future?

We've just recommended a couple of environmental partners, and we often bump into other members (like A Good Thing!) at environmental events. This has led to us investing in a local solar farm project, doing some pro-bono website optimisation as part of our Green Web Project to reduce website carbon emissions, and building some great relationships with like-minded businesses.

Why did you join the A Good Thing community? How does this relate to your green ethos and future green ambitions?

We discovered A Good Thing when I met you (Anna) at a People, Planet, Pint meeting, and we instantly thought it was a great idea! Although we're always very careful when buying equipment, it's great to know that we can offer the things we don't need to people who actually want them, which is only sometimes the case when you donate things to the local charity shop.

If you’re a member of 1% for the Planet and want to know more about how to engage with A Good Thing, pop us a message.


Better Futures: A free programme to help with your business sustainability!


Support a Wolverhampton charity in starting out: Unity In Action is looking for arts and crafts, music, and sports equipment