Matchmade! Chairs donated to Fresh Start community kitchen in Edinburgh


The team were thrilled when Barry Roberston, Company Owner of T20 Interiors, responded to this charity need. The local business had 12 surplus chairs to donate, he reached out and the chairs quickly made their way to thier new home.

It’s fantastic when things come together, and a business comes back to us to say they can help the charity out. Huge thanks to T20 Interiors for their generosity, and for committing to send less to landfill and more to a good cause!

The Charity:

Fresh Start is an Edinburgh-based charity supporting people who have experienced homelessness to settle into their new homes. It aims to tackle the financial and social issues that persist even after a tenancy is gained, to help rebuild lives and break the cycle of homelessness.

Fresh Start supplies new tenants with starter packs containing essential household items including bed linens, cutlery, cleaning products and food. Through the generosity of donations and the hard work of its volunteers, Fresh Start delivers around 14,000 packs per year, helping thousands become successfully established in their new homes.

Individuals and families can access Fresh Start’s community pantries, gardens, and kitchen, as well as free support and advice from NESSie (North Edinburgh Support Services). These vital resources allow its users to build back practical skills, dignity and confidence.

The Project:

Fresh Start sought 12 straight-leg chairs for its community hub kitchen space. This would allow the charity to continue running community meals and cooking classes – supporting its users in preparing healthy, affordable meals while building their self-esteem and reducing social isolation.

Why not check out our other charity needs here – to see if you can support your local charities?


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