Portable folding tables and gazebo panels or curtains needed by Mind in Harrogate District
The Charity:
Mind in Harrogate District is a local independent charity in North Yorkshire. Offering confidential and professional counselling, befriending, and rural wellbeing support services, it is one of ~100 local Minds across England and Wales working to support people with their mental health.
The Project:
Mind in Harrogate District holds information stalls at events to make people aware of the variety of mental health support available in their area, and requires some items to help host the stalls.
The Ask:
1-2 portable folding tables
Gazebo panels or curtains, to protect volunteers and information leaflets from the elements!
Can you help?
Are you a business based in North Yorkshire that might have these items available to donate? Mind in Harrogate District would be delighted!
Please complete the short form below if you think you might be able to help.
Thank you so much in advance!