Plenty to go round! Allwag’s company clear-out changes charities: a B-Corp business
Bringing joy
Allwag, an Essex-based promotional merchandise supplier, is constantly on the lookout for ways to improve its sustainability. This B-Corp-certified company is on a quest to become carbon neutral! To support its sustainability goals, Allwag became an annual supporter of A Good Thing.
Back in December, Allwag took a second look at its unwanted goods, stored in multiple storage containers. It was time for a clear-out.
Sasha, Allwag’s Operations Executive, was introduced to A Good Thing by her director a few years ago and is very comfortable with the straightforward upload process. She helped share Allwag’s latest donation on our platform: hundreds of items went to three different charities.
On the road to recovery
Open Road Visions quickly connected with Allwag when the donations were listed. Open Road Visions is a drug and alcohol recovery service located in Essex and Medway, supported by the NHS and Essex County Council, to help those experiencing addiction.
The charity received a generous 20 laptop bags from Allwag. After previously having had to share a few old laptop cases between the whole team, the staff were excited to now have enough cases to go around!
Open Road Visions has supported an amazing 33,000 people in the last five years. Of its many clients, 85% successfully complete their treatment.
From storage to supplies
Chess Homeless supports homeless people across eight Essex districts. Once someone needing support is brought to the charity’s attention, the team visits them to assess their immediate needs and provide vital emergency items.
The charity received almost 60 backpacks, tote bags and drawstring bags from Allwag, which were repurposed into emergency bags for its Rough Sleeper Initiative. It also had 13 travel coffee mugs donated, and incorporated these into winter supply kits for the homeless (alongside supplies such as warm hats, gloves, socks, toiletries and sleeping bags).
Giving to grace
Women of Grace UK is a charity supporting survivors of gender-based violence in the UK. Its founder, Valerie Lolmari, is a passionate campaigner against the harmful practice of female genital mutilation and cutting. Lolmari is an advocate for survivors, covering mental health awareness and support services as well as preventing the stigmatisation and loneliness that survivors may face.
After being matched with Allwag, Women of Grace received flipflops, handheld fans, sunglasses, over 30 water bottles, and 17 mugs and plates. It also collected a huge amount of new stationery: over 100 pens, pencils, and highlighters; 14 conference folders; 50 colourful notebooks; and 50 elegant boxed pens.
Lolmari, the charity’s founder, described how Women of Grace will make use of the donations:
"The items [will] be integrated into our workshops and support programmes, such as ‘Project Prosper’ and ‘Project Thrive’, to enhance mental health and wellbeing activities. For example, hygiene products [will] be included in care packages, stationery for skills-training sessions, and clothing or blankets to aid in creating a safe and nurturing environment. The items [will] significantly benefit our work and help us empower more women to rebuild their lives with dignity and confidence."