Norwich-based charity is in need of Laptops to  increase its ability to support client referrals

The charity:

The Fresh Start Future Enterprises charity ( in Norwich is a “lived experienced” mentoring and advocacy service, providing wraparound support to individuals who have been involved with the criminal justice system.

It aims to support people into sustainable employment, training, education and housing. The charity aims to improve the lives of these people upon release – as well as the lives of those around them – giving them the tools to make a positive contribution and to reintegrate into their lives and communities. Fresh Start provides continued support to help people to lead the life they really want to lead – one free from offending.

The project:

Fresh Start wants to increase its ability to support client referrals, and as such is looking for unwanted tech products that its volunteers can use.

The ask:

  • Laptops.

  • Desktop computers.

Can you help?

Are you a business in Norwich or the surrounding area that has unused tech gathering dust? Could you possibly donate it? Fresh Start Future Enterprises would be so grateful!

Please complete the short form below if you think you might be able to help.

Thank you so much in advance!

If you don’t have any of these items to donate, but would still love to support the project, visit to make a monetary donation, and the charity will be delighted.


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