North Lincolnshire CIC Changing Lives through Changing Minds is looking for gardening and outdoor play items

The Charity: 

Changing Lives through Changing Minds provides high-quality, evidence-based therapy services – individual, group, and family sessions – for children, young people, and their families.

Based on a farm setting in North Lincolnshire, Changing Lives through Changing Minds allows young people to explore outdoor play and help in the sensory garden as part of their therapy.

The Project:

As spring and summer arrives, Changing Lives through Changing Minds is looking for various gardening and outdoor play items that can support its open-air therapeutic offering.

The Ask:

  • Seeds – colourful, highly perfumed flower seeds, or herb and/or vegetable seeds

  • Gardening tools – those suitable for young people

  • Leftover compost

  • Plant pots

  • Outdoor play items

Can you help?

Are you a business based in North Lincolnshire that might have one or more of these gardening-related items to donate? Changing Lives through Changing Minds would be delighted!

Please complete the short form below if you think you might be able to help.

Thank you so much in advance!


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