Dorset-based community of growers needs gardening tools, wood, compost, organic seeds, and growing accessories

The Charity: 

Nurturing Our Community – known as NOC – is a community of growers, who grow to supply an online marketplace that in turn supplies local communities. NOC teaches its members how to grow their own food, through regular educational workshops, planting programmes, and receiving seeds and seedlings.  

The Project:

To continue growing the crops used within its online marketplace, Nurturing Our Community is in need of an array of gardening-related items.

The Ask:

  • Gardening tools

  • Wood

  • Compost

  • Organic seeds

  • Growing accessories – including trays and hanging grows

Can you help?

Are you a Dorset-based business that might have one or more of these items available to donate? Nurturing Our Community would be delighted!

Please complete the short form below if you think you might be able to help.

Thank you so much in advance!


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