Desks are needed at East Hertfordshire’s Isabel Hospice

The Charity: 

Since 1982, Isabel Hospice has been providing free palliative care, pain management, and counselling to patients and families in East Hertfordshire who are affected by life-limiting illnesses.

Supporting people to make the most of the time they have left, Isabel Hospice offers a 24/7 inpatient unit and a day hospice that provides counselling, physical activity, and garden and art therapy services.

The Project:

The care team at Isabel Hospice are currently working from broken, 1800mm desks, which are too large for the space the hospice has.

Isabel Hospice is therefore looking to replace these desks with newer, smaller, and auto-adjustable workstations that will enable staff with different DSE requirements to sit/stand and lift/lower each desk to fit their needs.

The Ask:

  • 1100mm, auto-height adjustable workstations (up to 45 pcs).

Can you help?

Are you a business based in East Hertfordshire or the wider area that might have desks of the required size available to donate? Isabel Hospice would be delighted!

Please complete the short form below if you think you might be able to help.

Thank you so much in advance!


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