Help London-based charity Cocoon, Care After Care, turn a house into a home with donated furniture

Cocoon, Care After Care supports young adults who have been in care (foster care, children’s homes, kinship care or supported living) at any time within the London boroughs of Richmond, Kingston and Hounslow helping them to complete training and courses and setting up their first home.

The charity:

Leaving care can be a very challenging and isolating experience, a lot of children have experienced trauma and instability, which is carried into adulthood. Cocoon, Care After Care, has built a community around reducing the effects of the 'care cliff' – when support from the local authority disappears at the age of 21. 

The charity supports young adults aged 18-25 by providing financial and practical assistance to improve living conditions, reduce feelings of isolation, alleviate hardship and navigate through everyday stresses. Creating a smoother transition into independent living can remove barriers standing in the way of achieving full potential.

The project:

Throughout this year, Cocoon has funded driving lessons and A-Level tutoring – replaced broken appliances, furnished flats, provided flooring, and carried out home repairs and garden maintenance. It has also paid for vocational courses, equipment for studies and bikes to travel to college. 

Cocoon wants to keep helping care leavers who are moving into their first permanent accommodation by providing donated furniture to create comfortable and cosy homes.

The ask:

  • Any furniture that could be used in a home

Can you help?

Are you a business in London, and do you have any suitable furniture to donate?

Please complete the short form below if you think you might be able to help Cocoon, Care After Care.

Thank you so much in advance!


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