Webinar replay: Support your CSR goals by donating unwanted items through A Good Thing

Webinar replay from Thursday 18 November

We teamed up with leading UK-based CSR accreditation provider, CSR-A, for a live webinar discussing how businesses can donate unwanted items through A Good Thing to help meet their CSR goals.

Joining us we had two fantastic guest speakers – Sally Lawrie of SquaredUp and Hannah Asquith of Youth Concern – to share their experiences of using A Good Thing.

The webinar ran to just under 40 minutes, so if you want to quickly dip in here is are the topics discussed and some handy timestamped video links:

  • Introduction from CSR-A (1:53)

    • What is CSR Accreditation?

  • Businesses generate too much waste (6m20)

    • Approximately 1.2 million desks and 1.6 million office chairs end up in landfill each year

  • Local charities need more support (8:58)

    • Over the pandemic, 70% of small charities experienced a drop in income, while 68% experience an increase in demand

  • Introducing A Good Thing (12:22)

    • We make it easy for businesses to donate unwanted items to local charities

  • How it works (13:06)

    • It’s simple! (Think eBay or Airbnb)

  • Case Study: Sally Lawrie, SquaredUp (16:50)

    • Laptops and lamps from SquaredUp (Maidenhead) were matched to Bucks Search and Rescue, Berkshire County Blind Society, Wycombe Refugee Partnership

  • Case study: Hannah Asquith, Youth Concern (23:26)

    • Motivational pin badges from Chamelon & Co were matched with Youth Concern (Aylesbury)

  • Getting Started with A Good Thing (28:40)

    • Donating is free!

  • Wrap-up by CSR-A (32:15)

    • The four pillars of CSRA

  • Q&A (34:30)

Thank you to CSR-A for generously hosting us, Sally and Hannah for brilliantly sharing their stories and for the listeners who posed some great questions!


Can you help a brilliant Reading charity working with marginalised women and children?


The sustainable way to refit your office - donate unwanted items to local charities with A Good Thing.