Shropshire’s Our Green Shop Ltd is looking for a laptop, suitable stock, and handmade or locally produced gifts and foodstuffs
Our Green Shop, pictured above, is based in Bridgnorth, Shropshire.
The Charity:
Our Green Shop is a Community Benefit Society that promotes local sustainability.
A not-for-profit and community-owned zero waste store, Our Green Shop sells wholefoods and snacks, plant-based and organic foods, environmental cleaners and household products, alongside locally produced goods.
The Project:
Our Green Shop is looking for suitable stock to reduce overhead costs and partner with other local businesses, as well as a laptop to complete purchasing and administrative tasks.
The Ask:
Suitable stock – wholefoods, household cleaning, and personal care products
Handmade or locally produced gifts and foods, made to strong ethical standards
Can you help?
Are you a Shropshire-based business that might have one or more of these items available to donate? Our Green Shop would be thrilled!
Please complete the short form below if you think you might be able to help.
Thank you so much in advance!