Transition Telford is looking for timber, compost, gardening tools, and polytunnel

The Charity: 

Transition Telford is part of the international movement of Transition towns. The network believes in encouraging people to connect locally with one another and build their communities to be more sustainable and equal.

The Project:

Transition Telford has supported community gardens and orchards in the Shropshire town for a number of years, and is currently facilitating a new project to create a garden by and for migrants who are housed in Wellington, Telford.

The Ask:

To support the project, and allow migrants based in Telford to experience the benefits of gardening on mental and physical health, Transition Telford is looking for the following items:

  • Timber, to make raised beds

  • Bagged compost

  • Gardening tools

  • Polytunnel

Can you help?

Are you a business based in Telford or Shropshire that might have one or more of these items available to donate? Transition Telford would be delighted!

Please complete the short form below if you think you might be able to help.

Thank you so much in advance!


Shropshire’s Our Green Shop Ltd is looking for a laptop, suitable stock, and handmade or locally produced gifts and foodstuffs


From waste to worth - 20 buggies saved from landfill