Award-winning London charity is in need of items to make its office more welcoming for those experiencing homelessness

Imagine if you had to leave your home overnight. What would you take with you?

“Having a secure place for your belongings should be a human right. Street Storage aims to reduce the stigma and mental struggle placed on the homeless, reduce incidences of theft and hate crime committed against this marginalised group, and help redirect the money that charities are still spending weekly on replacing lost or stolen documentation.”

The charity:

Street Storage is an award-winning charity based in London. Its mission is to restore dignity and freedom to individuals experiencing homelessness by providing free, accessible and secure storage for their belongings. This extraordinary charity stands as the sole provider in the UK offering such a service, lightening the physical and mental burden carried by those experiencing homelessness.


Street Storage also supports people to secure permanent and temporary housing, gain employment, re-access services and reconnect with family through one-to-one advocacy programmes.

The project:

Street Storage firmly believes that securing a  place for one’s belongings should be a human right. In order to make its office a more welcoming and less intimidating environment, the charity is seeking items to beautify the space. It is also looking for a megaphone to help with fundraising efforts.

The ask:

  • Artificial plants

  • Artwork

  • Luggage tags

  • Wall clocks

  • Tote bags

  • Laminator

  • Guillotine


  • A Megaphone

Can you help?

Do you have any of the items listed above? Street Storage would be thrilled to receive anything you can spare!

If you do, the charity will be thrilled! Please complete the short form below if you think you might be able to help Street Storage with this wonderful mission.

Thank you so much in advance!


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