Tea and coffee supplies needed at a brilliant charity in Nottinghamshire

Hetty’s, spanning the seven districts of Nottinghamshire, supports families affected by drug or alcohol misuse. This brilliant charity supports families emotionally, practically and legally, empowering them to take back control of their lives, say no to unacceptable behaviour and put boundaries in place. The charity also aims to assist families in engaging their loved ones in treatment.

The charity:

Founded in 1996 by a group of Mums who were all experiencing the pain and heartbreak of a loved one’s addiction, Hetty’s supports over 250 families every single month. 20% of the families are ‘kinship carers’, looking after children who can no longer live with their birth parents due to parental substance use. The Hetty’s service offers a variety of support methods, and structured psychosocial interventions, delivered by experienced family recovery workers and volunteers. This helps ensure that every client has the best chance of recovering from the effects of their loved one’s addiction, and returning to everyday life.

The project:

Running three offices across Nottinghamshire is not an easy task! Washing-up liquid, toilet rolls, tea and coffee would all be a huge help onsite for the hardworking staff, clients and volunteers.

The charity also plans to put small boxes of these essentials together for clients who are struggling financially. Bin bags will also be used within Hetty’s charity shop by the amazing volunteers who work tirelessly to sort through bags of clothing donations. At the moment, the charity has to buy bin liners; it would really appreciate spares that might otherwise be left unused.

The ask:

  • Tea

  • Coffee

  • Washing-up liquid

  • Toilet rolls

  • Bin bags

Can you help?

Do you have any of the items listed above? Hetty’s would be thrilled to receive anything you can spare!

Please complete the short form below if you think you might be able to help Hetty’s with their wonderful projects.

Thank you so much in advance!


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